On 3rd August, the team and SA Navy Band were excited to hand over to Simon’s Town School enough sanitary pads to make provision for 30 girls in need, for a six month stretch.
This first delivery was celebrated with a concert by the Navy Band for the senior school learners who entered into the spirit of the occasion with uninhibited enthusiasm. What a very fortunate community we are – to have a national treasure in the form of the Navy Band, who are so willing to participate and to give back. The Director of Music, Commander Lindela Madikizela had the entire audience eating out of his hand with an excellent selection of songs and music. There was engagement and interaction with the learners, including a couple of aspirant drummers and conductors – all supported by much banter and laughter. The concert ended with a superb performance by the Maritime Academy Choir and subsequent cheers loud enough to lift the roof! Several learners have since made enquiries about joining the Navy as a career, as well as about following through with their musical advancement.
We sincerely thank Commander Madikizela and the Navy Band as well as Simon’s Town School Prinicpal Mr L Hoffman, and Deputy Principal Lucresia Harrison for facilitating this heart-warming event, and not least all those who so generously contributed and collected sanitary pads including Simon’s Town Pharmacy at Spar, Spar Glencairn, Harbour Bay Mall, Bay Primary School, Simon’s Town Museum, the team – Steph Mellor (The Events Company), Esther Le Roux (Jawitz Properties), Louise Paterson (Craftart), Colleen Glencross (Rabbit & Rose), Liesel Coetzer (Mariner Guesthouse) and all our helpers, along with all who attended the Admiralty Gardens Concert and purchased tickets.
We look forward to the next handover which is planned to be at Ocean View.